cm-12.1-151022-NIGHTLY-changelog (한글)
CyanogenMod 12.1 NIGHTLY Korean Changelog (한글) Oct/22/15 (Thu)efence: fix compile warning and white space trailling (android_external_boundarydevices_efence)efence: Add electric fence to default manifest. (android)sensorservice: customize sensor fusion mag filter via prop (android_frameworks_native)Protected Apps: add some side padding in app list view (android_packages_apps_Settings)SystemUI: I..
2015.10.22 -
cm-12.1-151021-NIGHTLY-changelog (한글)
CyanogenMod 12.1 NIGHTLY Korean Changelog (한글) Oct/21/15 (Wed)TeleService: Make ongoing mwi notification overlayable (android_packages_services_Telephony)base: initialized context ContentResolver reference before use it. (android_frameworks_base)envsetup: Show error when supplied dir isn't present with mmm (android_build)edify: Fix _WordWrap function calls (android_build)telecomm: initialize def..
2015.10.21 -
cm-12.1-151020-NIGHTLY-changelog (한글)
CyanogenMod 12.1 NIGHTLY Korean Changelog (한글) Oct/20/15 (Tue)update-binary: support reboot_now on older recoveries (android_bootable_recovery)Support for faster brightness response to light changes. (android_frameworks_base)kernel: Don't update defconfig with KERNEL_ADDITIONAL_CONFIG options (android_build)kernel: use merge-config.sh for integrating KERNEL_ADDITIONAL_CONFIG (android_build)mka: ..
2015.10.20 -
cm-12.1-151019-NIGHTLY-changelog (한글)
CyanogenMod 12.1 NIGHTLY Korean Changelog (한글) Oct/19/15 (Mon)
2015.10.19 -
cm-12.1-151017-NIGHTLY-changelog (한글)
CyanogenMod 12.1 NIGHTLY Korean Changelog (한글) Oct/17/15 (Sat)BlacklistProvider : Make provider single user only (android_packages_providers_TelephonyProvider) ZenMode : Remove config_setZenModeWhenSilentModeOn (android_frameworks_base) Revert "Modify SILENT profile to restrict notification sound" (android_frameworks_base) Revert "ZenModeHelper: To pass android.media.cts.AudioManagerTest." (andr..
2015.10.17 -
cm-12.1-151016-NIGHTLY-changelog (한글)
CyanogenMod 12.1 NIGHTLY Korean Changelog (한글) Oct/16/15 (Fri)SystemUI: attach a queue to media player notifications (android_frameworks_base)CMSettings: add notification play queue setting (cm_platform_sdk)Secure file moving issue fix (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)Disable default blending when drawing color rect (android_frameworks_base)Trebuchet : Switch to LOGD instead of isLoggable (a..